Thursday, July 21, 2011


Mr. Fox has been with us four whole months!!  He certainly has come a long way.

Then:  He ran back and forth from the front door to the back door over and over and over for about 3 weeks.
Now:  He lays happily, in my lap mostly, or on the sofa or on any soft pillow he finds.

Notice the bone he's holding in his paws.

Then:  He would try to run out the door to escape as soon as it was opened.
Now:  He sits and sadly watches the door close or he will run out the gate and right into the car if we are going for a ride.

Then:  He was impossible on the leash.  I could hardly walk him without him trying to attack everything, and I mean everything, including the wind, as we walked.
Now:  He is a nutjob as we walk out the door and to the corner - he has to make it past the dogs next door that bark and the dogs at the house on the corner that bark.  I'm giving him treats for good behavior and it's helped.  By the end of the walk he's a more normal dog.

Then:  He didn't know about belly or ear rubs.
Now:  He happily flops on his back for a good belly rub - he seems to like those better than the ear rubs.

Then:  He wouldn't sit still for a picture.
Now:  Well, it's better....
 Now - in the bathroom with me!

Then:  He would just wander aimlessly around the house.
Now:  He follows me everywhere, even the bathroom! 

We love you, you little nut dog!! 

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