Monday, August 8, 2011

The Things You Do

You chase your tail....  poor demented soul.

You make looooong pees before you go to bed and look at me while you're doing it as if to say, 'aaahhh, that feels good!'

You steal paper, any kind of paper: napkins, paper towels, writing paper, wrappers and boxes things came in.  While doing this you look at me with a mischievous look and then run.

You've learned what drop it means and obey reluctantly.  I think you do it just for the treat!

You eat toys - thank you so much as I've been able to throw many away!  Your favorite are Jenga blocks.

You lay in my lap any chance you get.

You love to lick our toes and Daddy hates it but I kinda like it.  Little T loves that you lick his hands as it makes him feel loved.

You follow me into the bathroom and then bark because I closed the door.  Don't you know I need some privacy?

You bark and pull like a total nut job very badly during the first block of our walk.  It is very embarrassing, very.  You don't stop even when I spray you with water or tell you to be quiet.  You get a little better along the way and are the best walker on the way back.

You scare the other dogs.  You met a sweet little chihuahua being walked by a cute little teenager and instead of nicely sniffing her you jumped up and barked in her face.  She wanted no part of you and backed away.  This is not the way to make friends little boy.

You tolerate Little T and all of his, um... tortuous loving.

You pee on everything on our walk even when you have no pee left! 

You finally make normal poops that are not mushy but your farts could kill someone!  I have to google 'how to get rid of dog farts' and see what I get!

You growl like you're going to bite Daddy if he tries to take you off the bed when you're lying in it with me.  Such a protective puppy.

You like to sleep under the covers with me by my feet.

You are soooo cute when you're asleep!

You give me your belly, the minute I say, 'How's the puuuuuuppyyyy?' in my baby voice.  So cute this is!

Your ears go back when you're happy and want some loving.

You swim in the pool, although only to get out as fast as you can.  Then you run around the pool over and over barking madly at anyone who is in the pool.
You've sneaked out of the yard a few times but you always come back.  In fact, you did it while I was typing this and you were barking at the bad neighbor down the street.  Thankfully you came as soon as I called you.  It's always our fault-you went out with Daddy and he thought you were right behind him this morning.  Now I'm sure the police will arrive and give me an off leash ticket.  Ugh...

You are a very neat doggy and I'm a little worried about what grandma is going to say when she meets you.  I can hear the comments now:  'Why couldn't you get a dog like Sylvia or Dakota?  They're such nice dogs.'  She will be appalled by the way you walk on the leash.  She used to obedience train her dogs and they were good!  You, not so much but we love you anyway!!

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