Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Fox Farts

Somebody help me!  Help us all, Please!  We need gas masks as Mr. Fox is killing us with his farts!  I am not kidding when I say he stinks up any room he's in.  OMD. 

Ugh... I don't feel so good.
Yesterday, my poor boy didn't seem to feel well.  He had the heaves and threw up a little brown liquid.  He also had a little doggarhea.  I told husband when he came home but I guess he didn't hear me because he came out of office holding Mr. Fox like his baby and said 'He doesn't feel good, he was heaving.'  I said, 'I know, I already told you that.'  What is it with the male ears?  I digress... 

Anyway... The conversation continued like this:
Me:              Poor dog, I hope he's ok.
Husband:     Me too.
Me:              I wonder what's wrong.
Husband:     He probably ate something bad.  You know he'd eat cow s&^% if it was put in front of him.
Me:              Honey!  Maybe he needs the vet.
Husband:     No he doesn't.  Trust me.

Immediately following this conversation Fox ate a rubber band.  All the while we are both yelling, 'FOX, NO, NO, DROP IT!!!  DROOOOPPPP ITTTT!!!  BAD DOG, BAD DOG!' To no avail.  That baby was gone in a flash.  Now I am waiting for it on the other end and praying it doesn't twist around something inside his crazy ass little body.  We still haven't paid off the eye removal :/ 

Perhaps this is the source of the gas. 


  1. It's the canine conspiracy to give you gas also.

  2. Bwahahahahaha!!!!! And that we have too!!!!

  3. Oh dear, poor gassy Mr Fox, I hope he's okay!

  4. He's better Dougall. He made a nice poop today. No rubber band but still a good poop!
