Meet Sylvia aka Sylvie. She is my dear friend's dog - a 5 lb Toy Poodle. At my friend's suggestion we got these two mutts together. I have seen Sylvie on a walk before and she also acts like she is going to attack and kill other dogs. So we both thought there might be a lot of flying fur by the end of our adventure.
The playdate went well overall. The dogs met in my house and Mr. Fox did a lot of sniffing, while little Sylvie put Mr. Fox in his place, with very ferocious sounding yaps right in his face! It was really funny to see this little dog, one third his weight tell him just how it was going to be! Girl Power!!!
We walked the dogs and kids over to the park and the dogs really did pretty well, with the exception of their leashes getting tangled a few times.
Once at the park you can see how interested in each other they acted. Notice the new leash for Foxy? Yeah, that's number 5 - he chewed all the others. Anyhow, the dogs were really good and if Mr. Fox over stepped his bounds Sylvie let him know it in a big way. She was definitely the alpha in this duo!
I think the funniest moment came once we got back to my house and we sat on the couch and Sylvie placed her self right in between my friend and I. Mr. Fox looked and looked for a way up and onto one of our laps but she was not having it - she yapped in his face and gave it to him good, as if to say "HEY, these are BOTH my people and I am not sharing!" It was very cute. Them chasing each other around the coffee table before that was equally funny!
On a side note, this was Fox's second time at the playground in Wilson Park. The first time he literally scared all the people away with all of his endless barking at things like... the wind... leaves... and well anything. This time he was much, much better and nobody left! He went nuts barking at a guy on a big tractor lawn mower so I walked him over to it and let him sniff it - then he was fine. He sure has come a long way.