Friday, February 22, 2013

A Run at the Playground

Who's walking who?

 My poor babies hadn't been for a walkie in a whole week so I took them to the school playground for a nice running around.  Well my sweet Scruffster got a hold of Mr. Fox's leash and ran behind him trying to pull him and shaking the leash in her mouth like she was killing a mouse.  It was cute.  The pics are blurry but you get the idea.

 Scuffy looks like a little white blur in the picture - she was having such fun - at Mr. Fox's expense!
That's Foxy getting pulled by little Scruffy
I think all that farting at the dogter's was a sign Mr. Fox had a belly ache because he was chowing down on the grass.



  1. Either he had a belly ache or he was expressing his opinion of the dogtor's office.

    1. I was thinking it was the belly given all that farting!

  2. We always chew on grass when we're out and about...that's because SHE keeps our grass too short.

    It's supposed to rain here today....we need it, so I suppose that means no walks.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

    1. Hey I never thought of that. We have no grass. Not one blade. Maybe that's why he was chowing down.

  3. Make my peeps walk us would ya! Floyd has cabin fever!

  4. Nuffing like some fresh grass to help a Boy have a nice barf to clear out his system. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh. Now THAT's better!

  5. Munching on some fresh grass, didn't the kids leave any food?
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William the Scot

  6. Aww you guys are making Kirby and I so jealous of the green grass you guys have, nothing but snow for us!!! :(

  7. I do that to the lead when mummys trying to hold it when i'm off lead BOL
    It looks like you guys had loads of fun!!
    Love Milo :)

  8. Looks like you guys had a pawsome time there :)

  9. Hey Buddy! Time to nudge that Human and remind her you need a new blog post!

  10. Just stopping by to see What's up?
    Thanks for stopping by my blog
    Sweet William The Scot

  11. Hi ~ Thanks for stopping by today! I hope you have a very Happy Easter.
    Sweet William The Scot

  12. Ringy Dingy anybody home! No new post. Thanks for stopping by my blog this week. Hope you are having as nice of weather as I am.
    Sweet William The Scot

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Ringy Dingy ~ Missed you stopping by this week and you have not posted in awhile, do pray everything is O.K..
    Sweet William The Scot

  15. Taking each other for a walk, great idea!

    Nubbin wiggles,
