Sunday, February 10, 2013


We went for a walkie the other day and it always strikes me how much poop these dogs make.  I mean seriously, in a thirty minute walk I walk away with this:

There are 6 poops in that bag.  SIX!  Four of those poops were made by Scruffy, the small one.  Four poops!  One or two of them were like Hershey Kisses but still.  Mr. Fox had a biggie and a Hershey Kiss which seems more normal.  By the way, for each new poop I use a new bag (obviously) and then stuff it into the first poop bag, making one big poop bag.  So there are five bags in that one.

How much poop do you guys make on a walkie?

This is how I typed this post, with my lovies.


  1. Here's our take, more poop means we are getting more treats, Heeheehee.

    Your Pals
    Sus & Bites

  2. I have one or sometimes two poops every walk which is quite good considering me and mum are usually out for an hour or two!!
    Love Milo :)

  3. Kaci is almost completely housebroken. I'm teaching her to poop many times because every time she does it outside, we BOTH get a treat.

    1. Awesome!! Way to go Kaci! And you should get a treat too just for being you and a great big sistah!

  4. I, Daisy, always make sure that SHE has something to put in those bags SHE carries. No matter how many times I've gone before. I'm such a considerate dog. Usually, Bella contributes, but Roxy prefers home.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

    1. Yes, you are so considerate giving HER something to carry home. Hopefully your gifts come at the end of one of those adventures at the river and not at the beginning!

  5. Yep they store it up for walks. They like having people watch us as we pick it up. It is there joke on us.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  6. I have never been on a walk without pooping, Floyd on the other paw has never pooped on a walk... I guess the walking gets me moving, if you know what I mean!
