Saturday, February 9, 2013

Not the Flu

Last week I had the Non Flu.  That's right.  I was sick and home from work for a whole week but it wasn't the flu.  I never stay home from work that long so it was baaad.  I got the cold and worked for a week with that.  Then came the body aches but the urgent care swabbed my nose with a giant q-tip and it said I didn't have the flu.  Just a virus.  I spent my week on the couch like this...

I love being loved unconditionally.


  1. You didn't get the flu. You probably didn't get a flu shot, if you had, you would have gotten it.

    1. You know Kyla, even being a teacher among the little germ mongers, I NEVER get the flu shot and I rarely get sick. I won't get it next year either! And I think you are right!

  2. But look at all that great soothing company you had to help you through it! Aren't us poochies just the bestest!

    You Pals
    Sus & Bites

    1. I sure did guys and let me tell you poochies are the bestest! So is Shaggy he laid on my one day in Fox's spot and purred while I napped. Loved that.

  3. Bet everyone enjoyed that...except maybe you.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

    1. Ugh, I didn't enjoy being sick but I did enjoy all my furry friends keeping me company.

  4. Us again.

    In the virtual world of Blogville, the number 87 has become THE number. It started with Frank E Furter whose mum just loved that number as a child. Frankie, being the first Mayor of Blogville used it constantly and everyone else (all the nuts who live in Blogville) use the number and any number with 87 in it: 87, 870, 87000, 87's kind of an inside joke.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

    1. Thank you! Now I will have to go meet Frank E Furter.

  5. You had the crap, nothing like a dog keeping you company when your sick.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot
