Monday, July 9, 2012

Major Progress

T and I went to the baseball field behind the school today so he could fly his kite that he got from his uncle yesterday.  Of course we took Mr. Fox & Scruffy and I decided to let them off the leash and run, really run.  This is a very big deal and major, major progress for Mr. Fox because he was a runner, always trying to escape, when we first got him.  I would have never attempted this a year or so ago.  He and Scruffy ran and chased the kite and T and me and lots of different smells in the field.  Every time I called him and Scruffy back, they came.  

Look at how pretty Ms. Scruffy is running!  I love the way the wind blows her half floppy ears and her fur.  She got a tiny burr in her beard I had to cut out when we came home.  She didn't like that but she tolerated it. There was a good deal of napping done after some serious water drinking.  I think I may need one of those collapsible water bowls to bring along. 

All on a lovely day to fly a kite!


  1. Your dogs are beautiful and they look SO happy!!! What a great Mommy you were to bring them on such a fun adventure!!! Wish I could do that for my kitties.

    1. Your kitties are very lucky to have such a wonderful peep to love them.

  2. Replies
    1. Oh it is Dougall! Is it your winter there in the downunder?
