Monday, July 23, 2012

The Bond

When we got Ginger in December she was very scared but Mr. Fox brought her out of her shell and those two became very close very fast.  They had a bond that was just innately there.
Ginger & Fox

After the bad thing happened (read here if you don't know) and Ginger went over the Rainbow Bridge, we got our Scruffy but the bond between her and Mr. Fox just wasn't the same.  I underestimated dogs in thinking it would be.  I mean do humans have the same exact bond with everyone that they have with that one special person?  Certainly not.  Needless to say, I was happy when Fox & Scruffy got snuggly the other night.  Usually Scruffy backs out of these situations and/or growls at Foxy before they even get started.  The other night she enjoyed this and has been more cuddly with Mr. Fox since.   I snapped these pics with my phone.


  1. Yes it does taht time, me and bubby took a year to get to be pals.

    Susie & Bites
    Pees; you need to get rid of the word verification thingy, just have the post held unitl you approve, half the time Dad can't read it

    1. I'm glad you and bubby and pals. I'm sure my two will get even closer.

  2. I agree with Susie. I automatically publish comments and haven't had any problem.

    The Ginger story reminds Him of His childhood when the family's Westie dug under a fence and got hit by a car. He knows your pain.

  3. I had no idea I had a word verification thingy. Ugh, I HATE those things! I have an eye problem and can barely read them too. Thanks for telling me friends. I will fix it when I get home. We are watching T on the swings at the park.

  4. They look so cute and it looks like the bonding is happening.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  5. I love the pictures, they are now taking comfort from each other. I went back and read bad things happened. Sad. I never noticed Mr. Foxy only had one eye. I guess I didn't notice because I always think how loving he appears to be.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

    1. Thanks William. You brought tears to my eyes.

  6. OH...these are such sweet photos! Sweet. I think those two are closer than you think. Hug them.

    AroooOOO! Stuart
